Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sad Songs

Hi! I just thought it would be interesting if I shared some of my favorite sad songs with you, gentle reader. You might be surprised.

I know that I could list some obscure things that most people have ever heard of, but where would the fun be in that? So, I've chosen some that maybe you've heard before, and if you haven't, well, I've included videos.

First off, there's Bastards of Young, by The Replacements. This one gets more of an honorable mention rather than a space at the very top. It has sad elements, and has tugged on the heartstrings a bit, but I can also just listen to it and think "Ah, Groovy." Especially poignant are the lines "The ones [that] love us best, are the ones we'll lay to rest, and visit their graves on holidays at best. The Ones [that] love us least, are the ones we'll die to please, if it's any consolation, I don't begin to understand them."

Next up, we have Glycerine, by Bush. It just sounds so melancholy. This song is definitely in my top five sad songs. The strings give it such a lonely air. Memorable lyrics: "I needed you more, you wanted us less, could not kiss, just regress. It might just be clear simple and plain, but that's just fine, that's just one of my names."

My number one saddest song might cause some strange looks or chuckles though. Holding the spot at number one for tunes which depress me (but in that good way that makes me keep listening) is Rainbow Connection, by the immortal Kermit The Frog. "Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection; The lovers, the dreamers... and me." Something about the tone suggests that while Kermit hopes to find the answers to happiness (the Rainbow Connection), he doesn't truly expect to. There is a deep longing there.

1 comment:

Phil said...

You know, I never thought of it, but The Rainbow Connection IS an incredibly sad song. (I've come to realize that the Muppets were the Simpsons of yesteryear. Very astute and witty.) But this is still a great song. (I love the rolling accompaniment.)