Monday, May 26, 2008

If I'm ever successful

You know what I would do if I were ever to become successful to the point of financial security? I would experiment. Not with drugs or lifestyles, but with cheese.

I love cheese but, honestly, I've only tried a handful of varieties. Sure, I've had Swiss, Cheddar, Feta, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Cottage, Pimento, Parmesan, Muenster, Provolone, and American, but there are many more types out there in the great Cheese Spectrum which I've never tasted. Just check out this Wikipedia list!

Man, that's a lot of cheese. And I want to try them all, to taste the subtle differences, to be a connoisseur.

But first I must become successful.

Until then, I can only dream.

Dream of cheeses.


Phil said...

Oh cheese--one of the best things in the world. Sandy and I frequented an amazing place in Chapel Hill, NC called A Southern Season, and they had literally 100s of cheeses. We would get a dozen dollar samples on a Saturday to try, and spend the rest of the day curled up dealing with the pain of lactose intolerance. (Nearly all humans have it, but it takes a lot to trigger.) Yummy. We haven't found a comparable place around here. Even Dekalb Market, which has the variety, doesn't carry all the really nice quality cheeses from small boutique cheeseries (is that a word?)

In other news, the New York Times mentioned an internet comic today I think you'll enjoy:

Really geek fun!

Saddest Factory said...

That comic you mentioned has some pretty great stuff and is now bookmarked.

And I hope "cheeseries" is a word... because it amuses me, and I'm sure I'll use it during conversation at some point.