Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Here's a nice little GIMPed out comic for you.

The following paragraph contains no wit:

Speaking of fear, do you know what my primary fear was for the longest time? That I was seriously mentally deficient. I don't mean that I worried that I might not be at the top of my class; I speculated that I was even below the line of being "simple." I honestly feared that I was being humored when people said I was smart. Sure, I took advanced courses throughout grade school, but I never really thought I was intelligent. It was only a couple of years into college (which I was able to attend due to the Hope scholarship and good grades) that I finally said "Huh... maybe I AM kinda smart." I still find it hard to believe my friends when they say something like "you're probably the smartest person I know."

Okay, enough soul-baring or what-have-you.

1 comment:

Phil said...

If you can figure out GIMP, you're, by definition, smart! And thanks for posting the job application video--I love it!