Alright, the scanner is up and running once more. That being the case, here's something special: A comic that I drew in a different manner than usual. Instead of just using a single pencil (or maybe an additional blue colored pencil for guidelines), I used inks that my favorite professor gave me for my college graduation. Plus I drew each panel independently on a separate sheet of paper, and then resized and moved them around in MS Paint.
Let me know what you think. Is it witty, or humdrum?

(Click for a larger (i.e. readable) version.)
i like this one. see, i pay attention....
Oh, I wanted more MOVEMENT. Want the love interest on scene. So what HAPPENS? Dude, don't make me guess. :)
I like this, too, and not just because of the cool line art (and inks), but I'm really curious to know what happens next. Do tell...
Haha! Phil and Sandy, guess I'll have to start working on the next installment, then! Some of my friends who've read my comics for years probably know what to expect already, so it's nice to have some new readers!
Terri, of course you pay attention! I knew you'd be commenting at some point (didn't know you'd be the first though!).
Also, by the by, the male character sports my current haircut. Art imitating life and whatnot, you see.
That's hilarious!
Definitely witty. I like the guy's eyebrows. :)
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