Friday, March 6, 2009

An Inconsequential Daily Happening of Dark Adam.

I decided to redo an old Dark Adam comic from 2007. A few of my more recent posts have had the character, so I thought this might help to flesh out the character more... you know, in case I actually have any readers who haven't seen much of the guy.
Here's the original:

And here's the remake (click for full-sized goodness!):

Regarding the background: Oh, it's just a little something I came up with. Totally original, you know. I call it "Celestial Nocturne."


Unknown said...

Really cool re imagining. I love the Van Gogh background.

the only criticism I can think of is that the girl's paleness doesn't contrast well enough with the background in parts. I know you don't outline, but placing on a less white space might help that.

Saddest Factory said...

Oi, thanks, old chum! I see what you were saying, so I went back and changed some of the background coloring. Hope that helps!

Unknown said...

I love the Starry Starry Night background (one of my all time favorite paintings). The colors are great!

Saddest Factory said...

Thanks! I've been trying to get better about using backgrounds! Oh, what was the name of the artist you were telling me about? The lady with the unibrow?

Anonymous said...

Salma Hayek?

Saddest Factory said...

That's it!

Unknown said...

Frida Kahlo is her name.

Unknown said...

I'm fairly certain it's Salma Hayek you're thinking of.