Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Oh my lord, it's the AdamZORD!

This was made by my friend Barry.


EDIT: It's supposed to be an animated .gif; if it's not moving, click the image!

Friday, March 6, 2009

An Inconsequential Daily Happening of Dark Adam.

I decided to redo an old Dark Adam comic from 2007. A few of my more recent posts have had the character, so I thought this might help to flesh out the character more... you know, in case I actually have any readers who haven't seen much of the guy.
Here's the original:

And here's the remake (click for full-sized goodness!):

Regarding the background: Oh, it's just a little something I came up with. Totally original, you know. I call it "Celestial Nocturne."