There will be comics at the bottom of this post... so, if you want, you can skip ahead.
Yo. This past Saturday, I actually did something of interest! I went to a party in Atlanta.
Now, Adam, you may be saying,
Now, Adam, that just doesn't make any sense; You're a homebody-homeboy. You don't go to "parties," you merely chillax with your small, rag-tag group of cool peeps.Normally, italic text, you would be correct. But I really did go to a party in Atlanta! Honestly! You see, I recently started talking to an old pal from high school via the internet, so, after a few phone conversations
Wait a second... You? Calling someone other than the usual three people?...
Yes. Jerk. Um yeah, so, anyways, we chatted and made plans, so I cranked up my tiny woody station wagon, and drove to see her.
By means of describing the party, I'll post what I had to say about it to a friend of mine the day after.
Warning, this might be a little longish... You don't have to read all this:
Maxwell Tyndan(12:05:52 AM): I hope you don' get home early enough to tell me how it went, but if you do... do.
Saddest Factory (4:55:01 AM)[<-- that's me!]: not too much to tell. Just getting in. Bushed. Fairly decent time. Wasn't a studio party; I must've misheard. Allison's still hot, and silly. I was awkward, but not as awkward as I would have been years ago. Some cool and friendly people there that would initiate/include me in conversations..
Maxwell Tyndan (2:03:05 PM): That's cool, what kind of party was it then?
Saddest Factory (2:03:18 PM): kegger
Maxwell Tyndan (2:03:27 PM): Haha That's great.
Saddest Factory (2:04:04 PM): yeah, kinda was.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:04:27 PM): What was the occasion?
Saddest Factory (2:05:24 PM): Dual purpose. Some dude named Sean's birthday party, and back to college, I think.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:05:54 PM): Ah. But it went well though? That's pretty awesome
Saddest Factory (2:06:08 PM): yeah, it went pretty well.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:06:20 PM): Allison have a boyfriend?
Saddest Factory (2:06:34 PM): yeah. Some dude named Sean.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:06:41 PM): Haha, same party guy?
Saddest Factory (2:06:56 PM): *sigh* yeah.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:07:11 PM): Good times. Did you meet any nice ladies?
Saddest Factory (2:07:50 PM): yeah, a few. Small talk was sometimes exchanged. Had a nice conversation with Allison's sister Madison.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:08:42 PM): She as hot as Allison?
Saddest Factory (2:10:32 PM): in some ways, yes. Kinda different hot, but still very hot. She's not as, I dunno, built (cuz Allison's not exactly "thick")[Allison is a tall, Amazonian Goddess], she's more of the fairly skinny gal type. And her hair is a nice brown instead of Allison's reddish awesomeness. They have the same way of talking; that same lilt to the voice. And they look a good deal alike in the face. So very hot.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:11:35 PM): Ah, sexy. Man, sounds like you had an awesome time.
Saddest Factory (2:12:30 PM): For someone as awkward as me, yeah, I think I had fairly close to what could be the best time imaginable with people I didn't know... save for a couple of peeps.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:12:59 PM): Hm?
Saddest Factory (2:13:36 PM): Well, Allison. And then some girl that knew me, that played soccer with Allison. I didn't really remember her though... [I was pretty oblivious in high school] didn't tell her that. Really tall blonde. Very sweet. Can't remember the name though.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:14:31 PM): Emily? No, she played tennis...
Saddest Factory (2:15:03 PM): I think Allison said she was a grade above us.[Maybe it was a year younger?]
Maxwell Tyndan (2:15:27 PM): Ah. And you don't remember her name now? [Her name must've been Lauren or something]
Saddest Factory (2:15:56 PM): I'm pretty bad with names sometimes. Took me forever to remember Madison's name. I knew it started with Ma... Madeline? Matilda? No, those aren't it at all! Took me, like, twenty minutes to remember it last night after I had been introduced.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:17:32 PM): So every girl you talked to last night had a boyfriend, I assume.
Saddest Factory (2:17:52 PM): yeah, it seemed that way. It was a kinda small get-together though [though larger than any party I had ever gone to before, probably]. It wasn't a huge bash, so it's honestly to be expected.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:18:46 PM): You should have told Allison to point you towards the single chicks. that's what girls who have boyfriends who invite you to parties are for.
Saddest Factory (2:19:12 PM): maybe next time. Providing that there is a next time.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:19:44 PM): Sounds like you didn't make yourself out to be boring.
Saddest Factory (2:20:39 PM): I tried to be pretty much be myself. Chimed in with things at times. Often I was aloof. just as should be expected. awkward, but trying.
Maxwell Tyndan (2:20:57 PM): Awesome, awesome. Whatever works. I'm sure no one thought you were a tool, because you aren't. so you had that going for you.
And now, here are some things I've drawn!

This was taken from a panel of a comic that otherwise ended up looking pretty crappy. It's half pencil/pen-drawn, half mouse-drawn in GIMP.

The first picture was from the original version of this comic here. The comic was initially drawn before the party. I didn't like how it looked, so I redid it after the fact, but kept the message the same. It would be keen if you clicked on the picture to read it.

And this is one of the several awkward moments I had at the party! Click it to read it easier.
But honestly, I had a pretty swell time. Some really nice and neat people there. It seemed like some of them would actually go out of their way to make me feel involved. Goodness knows that Allison introduced me to a lot of people, and told them introductory anecdotes about me. Really a very kind thing to do.
Oh! And I learned how to play beer pong and flip-cup.